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Open Forge for October 21st will run 11-3pm and for those who want to run the powerhammer will be able to run it from 9am-11am.


Starting in June, we will be charging a $20 fee when signing up for Open Forge to cover to cover the cost of fuel and wear & tear of the equipment. With the influx of newer, less experienced blacksmiths, we have seen increased damage of forge linings and need for tool maintenance. Additionally, an up-front fee encourages commitment to attend the Open Forge, avoiding “no-shows”, thus knocking someone else who might have wanted to sign up out of a chance.

Also, we have started a Safety Orientation and Introduction to Open Forge Class for all new members and existing members before attending Open Forge for the first time. This will be a brief session immediately following the regular Monthly Meeting each month.


Additional information


with, without

Event Details

Date: 10/21/2023

Start time: 11:00 a.m. EDT

End time: 03:00 p.m. EDT

Members Open Forge October 2023

SKU N/A Category